Friday, 23 April 2010

The sandals we wear

We are but the sandals we wear
Each step seared by an enduring sun
A whisper of dune
A grain of colour embracing deeper hues
Reveal a myriad of shades, layers of fiery trails
An ardent beat for humankind
Step by step, a means and not an end

We are but the sandals we wear
Each fingertip a balanced swing
An energy, a rhythm
Mirrors for each stride, echoes for each tune
Evolve a sculpture - a connecting visual treat
Lighter than life, heavier in life
Hand in hand, replace the missing beats

We are but the sandals we wear
Each thought, each word a seed in our heart
A temple of being
A welcome relief, a reflective beat
Paint from our hearts, the words our brushes
They dance on the canvas of thought
Thought after thought, they act, they speak

We are but the sandals we wear
Each beat an etching, a carving, a notch impressed
A heart-filled jingle
Resounding in a space, a double circle, a world
Nurtured -a soundscape real
Beyond the sunbird that always sings
Heart to heart, listen to the beats

We are but the sandals we wear
Each look that speaks of ocean depths
Receptive eyes
That see when closed, that tear when touched
By salty wounds – sweet is the river
That feeds into the sea
Sight is sight, restore and heal

We are but the sandals we wear
Each soul a comfort within
Silently onwards to calm the air
Cast a straight path or a crooked line
There’s a destination to be reached
But a path not to be ignored
Soul and soul, a thousand beats and so much more

Friday, 9 April 2010

The horses they come

The morning star rushes in I sleep, waking
Touches my feet a pot of gold
Get up, move forward, do not stand in horizontal repose
My feet have been touched but I rest and reflect
And parallel the warmth of the rays as they spread
They enter my veins and try hard as they might
They face a block...
But... always radiating and undying
They create new channels, new energies that flow
And connect the heart with gems
That light the day and touch the tips
That rouse into life the temples of doing
The cups of happiness, the swathes of delight
Awake forming colours, lightening to the mind, the ideas they move
They move with such force, they move me who listens
Move forward, move forward
To a bubbling response, an energetic chatter
A vertical stance, who listens does it matter?
My madness, my laughter, my space chiselled deep
A twinkle, an energy, a venture never steep
Hang upside down on a tree limb so high
Slide not on the milky way and forget how to sigh?
Fear not, fear not, the horses are near
Not on the camel track, but galloping in air
A red one, a yellow one, purple or blue
An orange one, a white one of a green hue
Are you ready to leap and soar into space
Tears of laughter with lines on your face
Holding your sides with muscles so sore
A radiance etched out of your core
The horses they come, majestic and free
Spirited and graceful I am grateful I see