Saturday, 10 July 2010

Day 3: Observing Tonal Values

Day 3 and more books to read. I was given The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, a book also recommended by a friend and Art and fear: Observations on the perils (and rewards) of artmaking to which I straight away identified with! It has taken a lot of courage for me to get this far...

Some journals that are highly recommended include:

American Artist
International Artist

OK so today I was shown how to use Frisket Film. The crisp edges of detailed drawings or ink sketches can be obtained through using this film. After peeling the backing paper and sticking it in my sketchbook, I drew a cut-out design with pencil on it then used a Stanley knife to cut out the shape. When I peeled the cut-out away I was able to use graphite powder and pencil to shade in the area and when I peeled the film off the page I obtained a very neat sharp and crisp outline...the idea would be to go back into it and work at it to achieve the tonal effects required! Another lovely technique!

I started shading today...first Lyn spoke of Wow - white on white...she's asked me to practise drawing a white lace tablecloth on a white surface to show that there are so many values inherent in white and to help me to look for light and shade intensely...

HW to shade in the order she suggests:
1) Wow
2) Black and white photos
3) colour photos
4) Objects

But because I am doing an intense course we have moved straight to a colour object. I fully understand what she is saying and I'm so pleased that she explains the whole process of learning to me so that I am able to fill the gaps in my own time...(I'm going to miss her so much when she leaves!)

And here is the outcome...the middle row I did with Lyn and the other rows I tried myself. I mostly used an HB pencil because I didn't have the full tonal range!(I need to get some!!)

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