Sunday 6 September 2009

Have we forgotten how to live?

It's been a while since I've posted...Much has been achieved during the holidays and I procrastinate when I say I do not have time to post my little adventures...but I will post...Yesterday I posed a question to 8 friends which has not only got me thinking but also those around me... I asked, 'If you had access to all the money in the world where do you see yourself? What would you be doing with your life?' The answers have all been very interesting and I quote them here.

'I'm very satisfied with my life as it is.'

'I need to be able to practise playing the piano every day and have the hours in the day that allow me to do this. I want to be able to give to people who need. I need to be able to give back to a community that I live in. Perhaps help people who are psychologically challenged. Perhaps I should go into psychiatry.'

'Probably doing conservation and humanitarian work somewhere exotic - and fitting in learning languages in beautiful cities around the world - along with climbing the odd peak!'

'I'd spend more time with people I love.'

'I'd try to make others happy. Set up some projects to help them, especially humanitarian work like hospitals or centers to care for handicapped people.'

'I'd set up an animal rescue or animal park. Animals bring pure joy into people's lives and caring for nature teaches invaluable lessons in life such as respect and responsibility. Respect for nature is needed so that people start respecting themselves and those around them. '

'I want to be able to help people in the healing, curing process and one way I will be able to help them is through providing them with knowledge of their nutritional needs and encouraging them to live life to the fullest by eating properly!'

'I know what I wouldn't be doing.'

'I am still thinking of an answer to your question.'

I've been asked how I would live my dreams...they are fairly simple...I want a home!!! and a health and adventure farm in the Mazurian Lake district - the last vestiges of primedial forest in Europe!

These discussions lead me to wonder if we are we living our lives? Are we doing that what satisfies us and if we are not how can we raise our states of consciousness and create our own journeys rather than waiting for them to be created or for others to create them for us? Why do we feel we cannot create our own paths?


  1. Who ever said that one cannot create his/her own path? It is upto an individual which way one wishes to walk and what direction one wishes to is only a matter of starting...start up is always tough and maintaining decipline is the toughest...later is becomes a habbit and we forget to live in any other way...whatever path we choose becomes our way of is amazing...I speak from experience my friend :))

    Thank you so much Ania for stopping by my blog and leaving encouraging comments :)) I'll be following your's :))


  2. ..and I, I took the road less travelled, and that has made all the differnce...

    ah Robert Frost, how true, how true.


  3. are an inspiration to us proof that hard work, energy and determined belief in self allows us to live our dreams. The road isn't easy but if one sets their heart on something it can become a real part of their existence. Part of the difficulty for many is knowing what they want out of life and meandering becomes their chosen path out of default rather than through conscious decision making. This might work for's an adventure - a garden of surprises - and they embrace life to the full. However, sometimes a path does not reflect the traveller's aspirations and I guess this is when one realises that they are feeling either hemmed in or are having to sacrifice their personal desires for economical, sociological or personal factors. Of course we canot exclude the fact that some may have even forgotten that they themselves create their own destinies.

  4. Fra :) :) :) Your comment really makes me smile...sigh...will you share your thoughts... X
